Sietch Tabr

6th place

930 points


User Name Score
muaddib 75
jmorrison 100
vtmmm 450
guutz 255
livethisdream 50


Challenge Category Value Time
GUPPI painting Allen Telescope Array 25
What does fox 2 say? Fox hunting [on-site] 100
One Time Password Dune 25
Switching to Primary Dune 100
Take back Arrakis Dune 50
What does the fox say? Fox hunting [on-site] 50
I can kill with a word... Dune 25
Challenge #11 Signal identification 50
Challenge #12 Signal identification 50
The Matrix Trivia 10
Challenge #10 Signal identification 50
Part 0: Identity Solve My Bomb 75
Part 1 Never the same color 25
Challenge #8 Signal identification 50
Challenge #7 Signal identification 25
Challenge #5 Signal identification 25
Challenge #6 Signal identification 25
Challenge #1 Signal identification 25
Challenge #3 Signal identification 50
Challenge #2 Signal identification 25
Filterbank painting Allen Telescope Array 25
Complexity Trivia 10
Hitting a brick wall Trivia 10
The bird website Trivia 10
Hippity hop Trivia 10
I read the rules Intro 5