Capture the Flag 🚩
Capture the flag (CTF) is a competition where contestants earn points by finding secret messages ("flags") hidden in radio signals. Challenge yourself and improve your GNU Radio skills!
The GRCon 2022 CTF took place from September 26-29, 2022. Even though the competition has ended, you can still register and play online, however the scoreboard will remain frozen to reflect the scores at the end of the official competition period. A small number of challenges were only playable on-site in Washington D.C. during the competition period. These are indicated with [on-site] but remain in the challenge list to preserve a record of the competition.
To get started:
- Read over the rules.
- Join the GRCon22 Capture the Flag Matrix channel.
- Register an account and log in.
Source code & writeups [Spoiler alert!]
Some challenge designers have published the source code of their challenges, and some players have posted writeups of their solutions. Email ctf@gnuradio.org if you'd like to have your writeup added to the list.
- Building challenges for the GRCon22 CTF by Clayton Smith
- Source code for "Signal to noise", "Shall we play a game?", "Fox hunting", "Never the same color", and "Signal identification" by Clayton Smith
- Source code for "Solve My Bomb" by Aerospace Corporation
- Source code for "Allan Telescope Array", "OFDM 101", and "Never the same color" by Daniel Estévez
- Writeup for "Allan Telescope Array", "OFDM 101", and "Never the same color" by Daniel Estévez
- Anatomy of Blockstream Satellite by Daniel Estévez
- Solutions for the "Dune" challenges by Muad'Dib
- Live walk-through session, recorded September 30, 2022
Want more CTF?
Check out some of the past competitions, which are still playable: